Celebrate JDIN's One-Year Birthday!
You can help to make our community more inclusive & accessible
It’s time to celebrate!
The Jewish Disability Inclusion News is almost a year-old!
By sharing diverse voices at the intersection of disability inclusion and Jewish life each week, we are ensuring that accessibility and disability inclusion remain priorities in our Jewish community. We have featured over fifty contributors so far, half of whom identify as people with disabilities.
We know that our Jewish community has made great strides in disability awareness, acceptance and inclusion over the last decade, but there is much work to do around access, reducing stigma and full belonging.
You can help us today!
It’s a month until our first birthday and we’d love your help in increasing our visibility.
Here are a few easy actions that can help raise awareness today:
Select a favorite article, essay or resource from our archive and share on your social media
Invite friends, colleagues and community members to subscribe to JDIN
Forward this message to your clergy, educators and community leaders.
We’ll share more birthday plans over the next month! We would not be here without YOU–and we are grateful.